Readily helps in removing contaminants from your food which may have transferred from multiple hand exchange. Now, disinfect your fruits and vegetables from bacteria, viruses, chemicals and pesticides with KENT Vegetable Cleaners.
Sanitise your hands with the all-new and touch-less KENT Auto Sanitiser. It is equipped with a smart in-built infrared sensor that senses your hand below the dispenser. KENT Auto Sanitiser has a high storage capacity of 12 L with a detachable tank for easy refilling and cleaning of the appliance to maintain optimum hygiene.
With revolutionary Ozone Disinfection Technology to disinfect you room’s air from bacteria and viruses. With its user-friendly application, KENT Ozone Air Disinfectants are the most suitable appliances for both personal and small commercial spaces.
Santising hands is a must and dispensing sanitiser through bottle requires manual operation by hand. Let’s avoid this and go touchless with KENT Touchless Sanitiser Dispenser. Its fully automatic operation dispenses santiser as soon as you place your hand below it. It is convenient and more hygienic.
KENT Steam Iron keeps clothes in an elegant crisp look with minimal effort. Its ceramic coated non-stick sole plate and self cleaning prevents internal damage and increases the lifespan of the iron. Also it efficiently removes wrinkles from delicate fabric like shawls, dupatta and suits, and maintains the pleats.
KENT acknowledges the need of the hour and brings to you Home & Hygiene which are of the highest importance to maintain good hygiene. Now a days, it has become essentially important to regularly disinfect yourself as well as your immediate surroundings from bacteria and viruses. Now with these smart appliances. you can easily ensure that the fruits and vegetables you consume are clean and the air inside your room is pure.
Keeping in mind public health and safety, KENT Home & Hygiene are here to purify your room air, disinfect your hands from harmful and infectious bacteria & viruses and clean your fruits and vegetables. With the Ozone Disinfection Technology and touch-less Operations, KENT Disinfectants ensure that you and your family are safe and healthy.
Now a days, it has become essential for everyone to keep not only themselves, but also people around them safe. To practice good hygiene, KENT Disinfectants are here to help you in every possible way. Whether it is about purifying your room air, disifecting your hands or even cleaning your fruits and vegetables, KENT Disinfectants ensure that you and your family are healthy and get the complete HOUSE OF PURITY.