Air Purifier

Best Air Purifiers: Why to Buy Air Purifier in India

The air quality in India is deteriorating. Though most of us take all the precautions to stay safe from outdoor…

Environmental Pneumonia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

A severe respiratory infection, Pneumonia directly affects the lungs. An individual suffering from pneumonia has pus and fluid-filled in the…

How Does Air Pollution Affect Our Immune System?

A strong immune system is very important for the functioning of a healthy body. It is necessary to understand how…

10 Ways to stay protected from Unhealthy & Polluted Air

As per World Health Organisation, 9 out of 10 people breathe highly polluted air worldwide. With the level of smog…

What will Happen if the Level of Air Pollution Continues to Increase?

What is Air Pollution and Its Effects Air pollution is one of the biggest killers all over the world. In…

This International Women’s Day, Make a Resolution to Follow These Healthy Habits

Women are great at multitasking. From managing homes, office work to their social lives, women can do it all with…

Harmful Diseases Caused by Indoor Air Pollution

Air pollution is a major issue faced by the entire world. Not just outdoor, but indoor air pollution leads to…

Can a child be born with Asthma, Symptoms and Home Remedies

A child is the purest form of life. That tender skin, those little feet, that glow in her eyes is…

The Right Way to Use an Air Purifier for Optimum Performance

Indoor air quality has a major impact on your health and well-being. Though the indoor air is 5 times more…

The Relation Between Indoor Air Quality and Frequent Headaches

Migraine is not just a headache that goes away with a dose of pain killer. Severe migraines test the patience…