Category: Cooking Appliances

Appraisals Done? It’s Time to Think About Your Employees Health

The success of an organization is a two-way process. If you expect your employees to put in the best of their efforts, it is equally important to provide them with some perks and benefits from time to time. Appraisal season is, of course, something that employees look forward to every year. However, appraisals are not

5 Easy Steps to Follow a Self-Care Routine no Matter How Busy you are

Back-to-back meetings, running errands, and socializing with our friends, leave little or no time to follow a self-care routine. Even after preparing a self-care routine, sticking to the plan is almost impossible. Most working professionals fall into the trap of believing that they don’t have the time to follow a self-care routine. However, following a

Father’s Day-Healthy Gifting Options to Make Father’s Day Special

Fathers are the first heroes of our life. From the time of birth, fathers leave no stone unturned to ensure that their children live a comfortable life. Fathers are the unsung heroes who have a solution to every problem. To honor their selfless love, sacrifice, and contribution, June 17th is celebrated every year as Father’s

4 Reasons KENT Personal Rice Cooker is your On-the-Go Companion

Maintaining a balance between eating healthy and tasty becomes a tough task, especially for working professionals. Lack of time and long working hours leave us with little or no time to prepare a healthy yet scrumptious meal at home. The problem increases manifold for people who are constantly on the move for work-related projects. Eating