Clever Ways to Conserve Water at Home when Using a Water Purifier

Water purifiers have become a necessity for almost every home. The increasing level of water pollution poses a great risk to your health and well-being. In 2018, the water-borne disease was one of the largest killers in India. The traditional methods of purifying water don’t work in removing bacteria, viruses, and chemical impurities. The only way to deal with the problem is by installing a water purifier. However, one of the reasons many people avoid using a water purifier is because they waste a lot of water. But, thanks to the advancement of technology, some purifiers waste no water at all whereas others reject a very small quantity of water that can be reused. Surprised? Read the blog to find out some clever ways how to conserve water at home even when using a water purifier.

Which Water Purifier Do You Need?

Before discussing the ways to conserve water, an important question that many people ask is which water purifier is right for them. The one-size-fits-all formula doesn’t apply to water purifiers. An effective way to choose the right water purifier is by getting the water quality tested. You can easily request a water quality test with KENT, who will visit your home to check the water quality. Depending on the test results and impurities present in water, you can choose from UV or RO water purifier.

Difference Between RO and UV Water Purifiers

The UV water purifiers use a high-power UV lamp to disinfect water, thereby removing deadly bacteria and viruses. UV purifiers are ideal for purifying tap or municipal corporation water. The water purifiers use UV rays to kill harmful bacteria, germs, and microbes with the help of a high-power UV lamp. The radiation of the UV lamps kills all harmful microorganisms present in water, thereby making it safe for use. The best part is that UV water purifiers don’t waste water at all during the purification process.

However, if the water that you receive is loaded with chemical impurities and dissolved salts, you need to install an RO water purifier. The best water purifier in India uses a multistage purification process to remove different types of impurities at different stages. During the RO purification process, the purifier tends to waste a small amount of water. This rejected water can be used for different household purposes mentioned below.

Ways to Reuse RO Waste Water

Here are some clever ways to reuse rejected water from the RO water purifier and use it for different household purposes.

  • Wash your Car
  • Use it in Toilets
  • Mopping the Floor
  • Water your garden or plants
  • Wash your patio furniture
  • Rinse paint brushes
  • Clean off muddy shoes

Wash your Car

Washing a vehicle needs a lot of water. Instead of using fresh water to wash your car, you can store the rejected water from RO Purifier in a separate tank. Mix the RO wastewater with fresh water to wash your car. This will not only clean your car but also save a lot of water.

Use it in Toilets

Flushing the toilet even once wastes approximately 5-7 liters of water a day. The water that is rejected by an RO purifier can be replaced with fresh water to reduce wastage. However, make sure that you check the toilet for any discoloration on the porcelain surfaces after a few days. Periodically cleaning the toilet with toilet cleaners reduces the chances of discoloration and avoids salt deposits.

Mopping the Floor

Mopping the floor on a daily basis is a must, however, it wastes a lot of money. Using RO wastewater can help in saving approximately 10 liters of water. As the TDS level in RO Water is quite high, make sure you dilute it with some amount of tap water to reduce the chances of stains and salt deposits.

Water Your Garden or Plants

To conserve water and support sustainable gardening practices, consider reusing water to hydrate your garden or plants. One simple method is collecting and repurposing rainwater by installing a rain barrel or using containers to capture runoff. Additionally, graywater from activities like dishwashing or laundry can be reused by diverting it to irrigate your plants. Remember to use eco-friendly detergents and avoid reusing water that contains harmful chemicals. By embracing these practices, you can reduce water waste and nurture your garden with a responsible approach.

Wash Your Patio Furniture

When washing your patio furniture, you can reuse RO (Reverse Osmosis) water to minimize wastage and promote sustainability. Instead of discarding the RO wastewater, collect it in a container. This water can be repurposed for various tasks such as cleaning outdoor surfaces, including your patio furniture. By utilizing RO water, you can make the most of the purified water that would otherwise go to waste, ensuring efficient usage while maintaining the cleanliness of your patio furniture.

Rinse Paint Brushes

To maximize the use of RO (Reverse Osmosis) water and minimize waste, consider reusing it to rinse paint brushes. Instead of rinsing your brushes under running water, collect the RO wastewater in a container. When it’s time to clean your paint brushes, dip them into the collected water and swirl them around to remove excess paint. This allows you to efficiently clean your brushes while conserving water. By reusing RO water for this purpose, you can minimize water waste and promote a more sustainable approach to painting and cleaning.

Clean Off Muddy Shoes

When it comes to cleaning off muddy shoes, reusing RO (Reverse Osmosis) water can be an eco-friendly option. Instead of using fresh water to rinse off the mud, collect the RO wastewater in a container. Pour a small amount of the collected water onto a brush or use a cloth soaked in RO water to gently clean the muddy shoes. By reusing RO water for this task, you can effectively remove dirt while minimizing water waste. It’s a practical and sustainable approach to keeping your shoes clean while making the most of your RO water resources.

Last Few Words

If you need an RO water purifier that reduces water wastage and also makes water pure for consumption, you can choose from a range of KENT’s RO Water Purifiers. The water purifiers use ‘Zero Water Wastage‘ Technology that ensures that the rejected water is recirculated into the overhead tank with the help of an internal pump. Visit our website to find out more about KENT RO purifiers.

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