Clogged Pipes? Maybe Hard Water Is Your Enemy

The relation between hard water and clogged pipes

The pipes and plumbing fixtures of your home corrode over time and if you are noticing such issues frequently, there are chances that your home gets a supply of hard water. Frequent clogging of pipes is the first sign of hard water at home. The high concentration of Magnesium and Calcium in water leads to mineral build-up in your pipes and other plumbing fixtures, resulting in frequent repairs. The traditional methods of softening water are time-consuming and mostly ineffective. So, what’s the possible solution to deal with hard water? Read on to find out.

The Relation Between Hard Water and Clogged Pipes

The high concentration of Calcium and Magnesium makes water hard and its impact can be seen on bathtubs, showers, sinks and faucets at home. Over a period of time, the mineral deposits start building up inside the pipes, fixtures, and appliances thereby increasing problems that require constant plumbing. Not only this, but hard water can also clog the pipes completely and sometimes erode it causing holes. This results in a reduced flow of water.

Go for a Water Quality Test

If you find white scale building up on the faucet or sink at your home, the obvious cause is hard water. Why not get the water checked? There are technicians who can check the water and the level of hardness in it. Request for a FREE home visit to check the actual level of hardness in your water supply and to select the right product for your home.

How can Water Softener Help?

A water softener reduces the hardness of water by removing the excessive level of Calcium and Magnesium in it. It uses an Ion-Exchange process to remove Calcium, Magnesium and replace those ions with Sodium Ions. It uses resin beads charged with Sodium Ion to trap Calcium and Magnesium and make the water soft. As a result, only the soft water is released, ensuring no clogged pipes and/or scalier build up on bathroom fixtures.

Which Water Softener to Choose?

To ensure that you don’t face regular plumbing needs and your water equipment works for a longer period of time, you can use a water softener for the entire house. KENT Autosoft is India’s first fully automatic, water softener for the entire house that can enhance the quality of water you receive. It works on a fully automatic regeneration process and follows 5 stages of regeneration process namely normal, backwash, recharging, flushing and brine refill to enhance the quality of water. It comes with an LCD panel that provides information and even the option to change the settings of the softener whenever required.

The best and the easiest solution to treat hard water is to use a water softener for the entire house. This can minimize the effects of hard water on pipes and reduce plumbing issues. Make sure you install it near the entry of the water supply, which will help remove the hardness of water before it even enters your home. Click to know more about KENT Autosoft.

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