Get Freshly Baked Bread at Home With Atta And Bread Maker

Atta and Bread Maker

Did you know that you can easily bake fresh bread at home in just a few simple steps? And when we say bread – you can customise it the way you like. All it needs is a few basic ingredients and a few hours and voila – your fluffy bread will be ready to enjoy. Get fresh and healthy bread at home with KENT Atta and Bread Maker.

Not just that, as the name suggests, the machine also helps you knead atta at home with ease. Don’t you think it would be helpful for you if someone makes the dough and you stay free from this hassle? Get rid of the old-fashioned hand-kneading method and use the modern technology of KENT Atta and Bread maker machine, which eliminates the hassles associated with kneading atta with hands.

Whats Makes Atta and Bread Maker Machine Kneading Helpful?

Dough Kneading Machine

Of course, many people love the old-fashioned way of kneading the dough, but the downside of this process is that it is hard on hand and wrist. Another thing is that it would take a bit of time for you to complete the mixing of dough with hands. But machine kneading can perfectly replace hand kneading and you can experience the ease of using it. Whether you are kneading dough for chappattis or for baking bread, KENT, Atta and Bread maker machine can knead the dough very quickly. You don’t need to do anything manually be it mixing or kneading and thereby making the process absolutely hygienic and convenient.

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How to Use KENT Atta & Bread Maker For Making Bread Recipes at Home

KENT Atta & Bread Maker comes with 19 program menus for various kneading and baking requirements. Follow these easy steps to make freshly baked bread at home using Atta and Bread Maker:

  • Add a cup of water in the jar after placing it inside the atta & bread maker.
  • Add 1 tbsp of sugar and 1 tbsp of oil.
  • Add 1 cup flour and 2 small spoons of yeast to the mixture.
  • Set the timer for 3 hours.
  • Press the start button.
  • KENT Atta & Bread Maker automatically kneads, ferments, and bakes the bread.

Check out how you a tasty Chocolate Brownie Recipe that you can easily make with KENT Atta & Bread Maker:

Advantages of Atta & Bread Maker Machine:

Automatic mixing and kneading would add convenience to making chapattis and pooris. You don’t need to touch the dough with bare hands as the complete work would be done by the machine. Another advantage is that you can add customized flavours and ingredients with the dough and make delicious, healthy varieties of bread of your own choice. The advantage atta & bread that KENT has manufactured is a multi-purpose appliance that has a unique feature of 19 pre-set program menu.

Kent Atta and Bread Maker Automatic Process

Using this appliance, you can easily prepare soft dough for chapatti/poori and bread. Follow the steps:

  • First, you need to pull the bread pan out by turning it anti-clockwise.
  • Clean it properly, attach the kneading paddle and place the bread pan on the appliances.
  • Pour the ingredients and water with the given measuring cup.
  • Lock the lid accurately so that the machine can knead and mix the ingredients properly.
  • Plug in the appliance and press the menu.
  • Press the menu until the desired program gets displayed and then press the start button.
  • On the process of completion, the machine would beep 10 times and would stop automatically.
  • Finally, open the lid and remove the pan by turning anti-clockwise and take out the dough.

Here is how you can prepare some tasty delicacies with the help of KENT Atta & Bread Maker:

Prepare Yummy Poori Dough

Add 2½ cup wheat in the jar placed inside the atta & bread maker. Add one cup water, a pinch of salt and one tbsp cooking oil to it. Press the menu button, bring it to option number 9. Press the start button. Your perfect poori atta is ready.

Make the Perfect Pizza Dough

Add four cups of refined flour (maida) in the jar. Add one cup water, 1 spoon salt, 3 spoon oil and 1.5 spoon yeast to it. Press the menu button, bring it to option number 10. Press the start button. Your perfect pizza dough is ready.

Raisin Bread Recipe

Here’s how to make fresh and healthy homemade raisin bread with KENT Atta & Bread Maker:

So, if you want to get rid of the hassle associated with kneading atta with hands or if you bored with eating the same old bread from the market, bring home KENT Atta & Bread Maker that comes with one-touch operation, and can automatically knead and mix the dough in an absolutely hygienic and convenient manner. Easy to use and clean, you can check out the product on our site.

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