KENT HEPA Air Purifiers – Rated India’s Best Air Purifiers

KENT HEPA Air Purifiers - Rated India’s Best Air Purifiers

In the light of the rising pollution and pressing need for safe air at home, GADGETS NOW has recently come out with a list of India’s best 15 air purifier models. Out of the full list, KENT Alps+ and KENT Aura have been rated as the top two air purifiers, ranking 1st, and 2nd respectively. Both the air purifiers are equipped with HEPA technology that can remove all the harmful impurities present in the air.

Why KENT Alps+ HEPA Air Purifier Has Been Rated as Number 1

Knowing the dangers of deteriorating air quality, KENT has brought into the market, the KENT Alps+ air purifier. The KENT Alps+ comes integrated with an efficient HEPA technology that can remove 99.97% of hazardous pollutants present in the air and make the air suitable for breathing. The technology has three different mechanisms that include ‘Impact, Interception, and Diffusion, which can easily remove large particles like dust, human and pet hair, debris, TVOC, tobacco smoke, pollens, and dust mites, to name a few. KENT Alps+ comes with a real-time air purity monitor as well, which exhibits a density of PM 2.5 in µm/m3 inside the room. It also comes with an inbuilt sensor, which indicates the air quality in a room: indicated in three colors- blue for excellent, pink for good, and red for poor.

Why KENT Aura HEPA Air Purifier Has Been Rated as Number 2

KENT Aura air purifier has a HEPA filter added in it that cleans and purifies indoor air. The purifier can filter out 99.9% of harmful particles from the air. It can also effectively remove PM 2.5 and SPM present indoors. The purifier also comes activated with a carbon filter that can remove cigarette smell, Benzene, and TVOC. The purifier has an inbuilt ionizer that releases negative ions, which force the pollutants to stick to the walls of the room.

The Bottom Line

Families in India are anxious today, especially for the health of the old, babies, infants, and ill, due to seriously polluted and health-threatening air entering our homes. It has become imperative that one keeps oneself protected from this air pollution, especially at home, which has always been our safe haven. We strongly recommend not compromising on the health of the family and choosing the best solution available in India. Choose KENT air purifiers, rated the best amongst all brands. Breathe pure to Live a Healthy Life!

To know more about indoor air pollution read our inside story.

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