Tips to Stay safe from Heat Wave

The temperatures this summer have reached an all-new height. In fact, the heat wave has gripped almost all the states in the country. According to the National Disaster Management Authority, an abnormally high temperature, especially during the months of March and June lead to the heat wave. The summer heat not only disrupts day-to-day activities but also has a negative effect on your health. Considering the ever-increasing temperature, we discuss some of the effective tips to stay safe from heat waves this summer.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is the key to staying healthy, especially during summer. Staying hydrated ensures that your body functions smoothly during summer. Excessive heat results in sweating, thereby leading to dehydration. Even 1% of dehydration has an impact on the proper functioning of your body. Make sure you carry a bottle of water wherever you go. Instead of buying bottled water, install a water purifier, as the chances of waterborne diseases increase during summer. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, you can drink fruit-infused water, which tastes good and also keeps you hydrated.

Eat Light Food


If you have a lack of appetite all of a sudden, the rising temperatures may be the reason. However, you need to ensure that you follow a healthy diet to fight the summer heat. Eat light vegetables and fruits such as cucumber, squash, bottle gourd, and cucumber. It’s advisable to avoid heat-generating foods such as eggs, excessive proteins, and salt intake. However, make sure you wash the fruits and vegetables using KENT Vegetable and Fruit Cleaner to remove the residue of pesticides and chemicals.

Avoid Strenuous Exercise

Regular physical exercise is good for health, however, avoid overexerting yourself, especially during summer. Instead of indulging in outdoor activities, resort to indoor exercises. You can also practice yoga, which not only keeps you fit but also helps in stay calm and focused. Make sure you stay hydrated, even if you indulge in indoor activities.

Check for the Symptoms of Heat Wave

Heat strokes are quite common during summer. This is the reason why you need to keep a check on the symptoms of the heat wave. Some of the common symptoms of heat stroke are:

  • Dizziness
  • Cramps
  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive thirst

Stay hydrated and call a doctor immediately on noticing any heat wave symptoms.

Last Few Words

Look for ways to keep yourself safe from heat waves, especially when you are going to work. Take a shower after you travel to cool off, however, make sure the water is not blistering hot. In addition, you can also place an ice pack on the neck to cool you down. If possible, stay indoors when the temperature is at its peak to avoid any health problems.

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