Top 5 Unconventional Detox Juices


Detoxification is vital to staying healthy. Toxins clog our system and interfere with the proper functioning of the organs. Getting rid of the toxins is necessary to prevent lethargy, insomnia, obesity, diabetes, back pain, and digestive disorders. Detoxification not only ensures the proper flow of energy but also boosts our immune system and prevents chronic diseases.

Why are Detox Juices Important During the Summer?

We love drinking sweetened drinks, especially during summer, without giving a second thought. Even if we feel refreshed, carbonated drinks do more harm than good as they increase the toxins. Eventually, we end up feeling sluggish and get into a habit of drinking caffeine and sweetened drinks. The only way to break out of this situation is by drinking detox juices, which cleanse our body of all those unwanted toxins.

Drinking detox juices during the summer can 

  1. Reduce Inflammation
  2. Boost Energy Levels
  3. Improve Digestion
  4. Cleanse the Liver
  5. Promote Healthy Skin

The juices are easy to make provided you have a good juicer. Make sure you add some fruits, vegetables, and herbs that stimulate detoxification. Experiment with these unconventional detox juices and notice how great you feel afterward.

List of Juices you can drink this Summer

Below mentioned are the best unconventional detox juices you can drink this summer to boost your immune system and keep yourself healthy.

1. Stay In The Pink Of Health:  Ginger & Beetroot Juice

Ginger & Beetroot Juice

This one is not only healthy but also yummy! All you need to do is extract the juice of 1 whole beet with the help of a cold-pressed juicer. This will inject pink color into your drink. Add 1.5 cups of pineapple and pear juice (both aid digestion) and immunity-boosting ginger (2 inches) to the concoction. Ginger also helps in reducing inflammation and adds a spicy flavor to the juice.  To retain the essential minerals make sure you use a cold-pressed juicer instead of a conventional one.

Also Read- 5 ReasonsYouu Should Drink Beetroot Juice During Winter

2. Vibrant Delight: Carrot and Ginger Juice

Carrot and Ginger Juice

You can’t go wrong with the sweet and slightly sour taste of oranges mixed with the sweetness of carrots and zing of ginger. Carrots are loaded with beta carotene and vitamins, whereas oranges are a storehouse of vitamins A and C. The detox juice also reduces bad cholesterol and aid digestion. The juice is also great for your hair and nails!

Also Read: Water vs Fruit Juice – Choosing a Better Option

3. Perfect Detox: Dill Juice

Dill Juice

Sip and enjoy this perfect detox juice, which includes dill (1 bunch) as the main ingredient. Dill is rich in vitamin A and C and contains essential minerals like iron, magnesium, and manganese. Dill is also an excellent source of calcium and helps boost immunity. Add carrots (4 whole), one whole lemon, and a large apple to the dill. While carrots are rich in vitamin A, both lemons and apples are loaded with vitamin C. Lemons also cleanse the system gently, balancing it from inside. Juice all the ingredients to get a drink full of health.

4. Vitamins & Minerals Treat: Apple, Beetroot, and Carrot Juice

Apple, Beetroot and Carrot Juice

A concoction of apple, beetroot, and carrot is the perfect vitamin and mineral supplement for your system. In fact, it can also be counted as your fruit and vegetable portions for the day. The vitamins help in detoxifying your system and improve your metabolism.

5. Summer Detox Potion: Ginger, Cucumber, and Apple

Ginger, Cucumber and Apple

The combination of ginger, cucumber, and apple offers a sweet as well as refreshing juice, which is great for detox, especially during the warmer months of the year. The ginger provides a strong kick while the cucumber balances well with the apple flavor. This drink helps to release toxins and reduce body heat while aiding the digestive system.

The Bottom Line

As a beginner, you may start off with a few of these juices and later add on many other types depending on your taste buds. While there are several detox plans, it’s better to stick to one that is right for you and easy to follow. So instead of constantly bombarding yourself with processed foods and letting toxins accumulate, consider a juice detox diet for a couple of days.

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