Why do you Need to Protect your Skin from Air Pollution?

Your skin is the mirror of your health. However, if your skin has lost glow all of a sudden, even after eating healthy and using the right products, it’s a reason to worry. Air pollution, which reaches an all-new level almost every day, has a negative impact on your skin. The toxic pollutants present in both indoor and outdoor air are absorbed into your skin, which leads to a number of skin problems. The pollution that affects your skin has a combination of smog and particulate matter, which come from car exhaust, metal smelting, smoking, and industrial gases. The consequences of air pollution can lead to irritation, premature aging, and organ damage to cancer. So, in this blog, we discuss the effects of air pollution on your skin and how to keep your skin healthy.

Air pollution and skin- the relation

There are five types of air pollution that affect your skin health and appearance. The types of air pollution that affect your skin are:

  • Exhaust from trucks and automobile
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Phthalates from plastic
  • A small particulate matter which also includes VOCs in the form of asbestos
  • Smog

Damage Caused by Air Pollution

Your skin absorbs the pollutants present in the environment and retains them, which is a major reason for worry. Smog, which has a combination of low-level ozone, dust particles, and pollutants such as carbon monoxide leads to skin aging. When your skin absorbs these pollutants, they deprive your skin of oxygen, which leads to wrinkles, lack of elasticity, and skin aging. Ozone also strips away Vitamin E, which is a vital nutrient that keeps your skin nourished, thereby making your skin dry. Exposure to air pollution and smog also increases the chances of eczema, acne, and rashes. Pollution also affects the microbiome of your skin, which can lead to the following problems such as:

  • Brown spots
  • Uneven, dull skin
  • Wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • Skin redness
  • Dry and itchy skin

 How to Protect your Skin from Damage?

In addition to eating healthy and regular exercise, you also need to take some additional steps to keep your skin healthy. Some of the essential ways you can protect your skin are:

Use an Air Purifier

Not just outdoor, indoor air pollution also has a negative impact on your skin. The presence of PM2.5 and cigarette smoke lead to dryness, itchiness, and skin aging. Using a HEPA air purifier can be of great help in reducing indoor air pollutants and keeping your skin healthy. The air purifiers use 3 stage purification process to remove different types of pollutants from the indoor air including PM2.5 and cigarette smoke, thereby reducing the damage done to your skin.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is a major reason for indoor air pollution. Both first-hand and second-hand smoke have a negative effect on your skin. Cigarette smoke narrows down the blood vessels in your skin, thereby affecting blood flow and oxygen supply, which leads to wrinkles. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles.

Block Pollution

In countries like India, avoiding pollution completely is next to impossible. However, you can take some steps to stay safe from pollution. Too much exposure to UV rays not only causes wrinkles but may also lead to cancer. Make sure you use a good moisturizer and sun protection to keep your skin safe.

Last Few Words

Both indoor and outdoor pollution have a damaging effect on your health and skin. This is the reason why it is important to take precautions before it’s too late to keep your skin safe from the harmful effects of pollution. While we take a lot of precautions to stay safe from outdoor pollution, most of us are not concerned about indoor air pollution, which can do the same level of damage. Installing an air purifier will not only help you breathe safely but also keeps protecting your skin from damage. To find out more about air purifiers, click here.

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