Why Should We Wash Fruits and Vegetables before Eating?

How to Wash Fruits and Vegetables

The fruits and vegetables you eat are loaded with pesticides and chemicals, making it harmful to human health. Pesticides are primarily used for cultivation of crops and in some cases as residues. Fruits and vegetable, however, possess a high amount of pesticides. High levels of chemicals and pesticides pose a threat to human health by damaging the nervous and reproductive systems, disrupting the immune system, and even leading to cancer in some cases. The risk factors make it necessary to wash vegetables in the right way to stay safe from diseases. Read on to find out why it is important to clean vegetables and fruits properly before consumption.

Which Food Items are at a Higher Risk?

While all the food items get contaminated easily, some food items harbour more contaminants than others. Be extra vigilant when it comes to the following food items:

  • Melons
  • Sprouts
  • Strawberry
  • Spinach
  • Apples
  • Potatoes
  • Organic Produce
  • Homegrown Produce


The exterior of melons is rough, which is the reason why rinsing it will not remove the dirt and contaminants present on the surface. Use a vegetable and fruit cleaner to remove the contaminants from the surface of food items.


The thumb rule is to avoid storing sprouts for a long time. Eat the sprouts within 1 or 2 days of buying. Make sure you keep sprouts refrigerated and wash them before consumption.


Strawberries usually contain a high amount of pesticides. It has been found that one-third of all the strawberries contain ten or more pesticide residues.


Spinach contains pesticide residues like permethrin, a neurotoxic insecticide that is highly toxic to animals. Approximately 97% spinach comes with pesticide residues.


90% of apples have pesticide residues. Apples contain traces of diphenylamine (pesticide).


One of the most consumed vegetables, potato contains more pesticide residue than any other crop or vegetable. An herbicide named Chlorpropham can be usually found in potatoes.

Organic produce

Even if you buy organic produce, make sure you wash them before consumption. Organic produce has pathogens, which is the reason why you need to wash the organic produce with KENT Vegetable and Fruit Cleaner, as it helps remove pathogens from surface of food items easily.

Homegrown produce

Homegrown veggies also need to be washed with care. If you have pets or have the garden in an open area, you need to be extra careful with cleaning homegrown produce.

How to Remove Pesticides from Fruits and Vegetables?

Vinegar Soak to wash Apple before eating

Pesticides and chemicals keep the food items safe from insects and pests. However, the residue of these pesticides and chemicals stay on the produce, which can be life-threatening at times. Washing fruits and vegetables with water doesn’t remove the harmful pesticides and chemicals from the surface. So, how do you ensure that the fruits and vegetables you eat are completely safe? Here is the best way that helps remove pesticides and other chemicals from fruits and vegetables:

KENT Vegetable and Fruit Disinfectant

KENT Vegetable and Fruit Cleaner to remove pesticides and residue

Just washing fruits and vegetables under running water is not enough. Water usually just removes the dirt present on the surface. But what about the chemicals and pesticides? KENT Vegetable and Fruit Disinfectant helps you clean the pesticide and bacterial residues from the surface of food items and ensure that you and your family consume fresh and healthy food. The smart appliance helps in removing all the pathogens, germs, and viruses from the surface of fruits and vegetables. Using this vegetable cleaner is very easy. Following steps will guide you through the usage:

  1. Keep the fruits and vegetables in a bowl filled with water.
  2. Now, put the pipe attached to the vegetable and fruit cleaner in the bowl.
  3. Switch on the KENT Vegetable and Fruit Disinfectant and set the timer to either 15 or 30 minutes as per your requirement.
  4. After the disinfectant process gets completed, wash the fruits and vegetables normally under running water.

Kent Ozone Vegetable Purifier is an innovative and effective appliance, which helps in removing impurities from the surface of fruits and vegetables. The appliance uses ozone technology to help remove harmful pathogens and microorganisms. As per a scientific research, KENT’s vegetable and fruit cleaner kills 80-97% germs present on fruits and vegetables. The vegetable cleaner from KENT can also clean meat, fish, and seafood. Visit our website to check out the range of KENT Vegetable and Fruit Cleaners.

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