Manuals & Brochures

Brochures and user manuals are an absolute necessity when using a product. However, there may be instances when you may lose the manuals or brochures. You can visit our website and easily download the manuals for different products to get all the necessary information about product usage as well as installation. In addition to the manuals, you can also download the brochures of the different products. Whether you need the brochure or manual for water purifiers, air purifiers, water softener or tap guard, you can download everything from here.
Home Manuals & Brochures
KENT Bathroom Water Softener

KENT Washing Machine Water Softener

Autosoft 25 L

KENT Automatic Water Softener 40
KENT Tap Guard

KENT Alps Air Purifier

KENT Alps Plus Air Purifier

KENT Magic Car Air Purifier
KENT's Ozone Wall Air Purifier

KENT's Ozone Table Top Air Purifier
Coming Soon
KENT Wall Mounted Vegetable & Fruit Cleaner

KENT Counter Top Vegetable & Fruit Cleaner
Coming Soon
KENT Cold Pressed Juicer
KENT Bed & Upholstery Vacuum Cleaner

KENT Cyclonic Vacuum Cleaner
KENT Advantage
KENT Advantage

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