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Fight against pollution must begin from indoor living spaces
Down to Earth Magazine - 16th June 2016 - 30th June 2016
Now air pollution linked to strokes
Times of India, New Delhi - 11th June 2016
Kids living near busy streets more prone to asthma : Study
Times of India, New Delhi - 31st December’ 2015
High toxin levels linked with truck movement
Times of India , New Delhi - 30th December’ 2015
5 faces of Delhi pollution
Times of India, New Delhi - 30th December’ 2015
Pollution making bacteria antibiotic resistant?
Times of India, New Delhi - 26th December’ 2015
New low : Air quality worse than Diwali day
Times of India, New Delhi - 24th December’ 2015
Vehicular emissions may rise 19 times by 2020
Times of India, New Delhi - 19th December’ 2015
India racing ahead of China when it comes to pollution
Times of India, New Delhi - 16th December’ 2015


In order to keep you aware about the current environmental conditions, KENT RO Systems LTD has a section that provides you the latest news about environmental conditions. The rising pollution has made it necessary stay updated the current environmental conditions. Starting from the latest news about water pollution to air pollution, you can find the latest information about environmental conditions and how it will affect your health.


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